A narrative maze, originally created for Indiepocalypse #56. Music by Carrie Z. Lost in Her Sun-Drenched Majesty’s verdant and terrible gardens, with only the dubious guidance of flowers, a sole reveler seeks to escape. In a crowded train car, two strangers meet, talk a while, and then part.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
AuthorEmma Conner
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsAtmospheric, Fairy Tale, maze, Twine
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


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(2 edits)
You already know the word, i am just going to embody it ← [r]itual 

 You already know the word, i am just going to embody it ← r[it]ual 

  You already know the word, i am just going to embody it ← ri[tu]al 

   You already know the word, i am just going to embody it ← rit[ua]l 

    You already know the word, i am just going to embody it | ritua[↑]